December - Alchemical New Moon of Transformation

Every year at this time, it's the New Moon in Scorpio. This year, it takes place on Tuesday, December 12 at 3:32 PM PST.

Scorpio is a sign of transmutation, inviting us to dive deep within ourselves and bring to light all the dark, repressed corners of our psyche.

The Sun, Moon and Mars will be aligned at the end of Scorpio in the nakshatra Jyestha, ruled by Indra, the demon-fighting king of the gods. This is a very shamanic star, forcing us to confront our shadowy areas and inner demons (fears, attachments, obsessions, addictions). The end of the constellation, Scorpio's tail, contains the poison and precedes one of the three "gandantha" points of the zodiac (junction between the water and fire signs) which signify "karmic knot to untie". This is the most confronting place in the zodiac, as it bridges the gap between light and shadow, Scorpio and the galactic center of Sagittarius, the portal to enlightenment.

The theme of confronting our shadows is therefore very strong this month, as several planets will soon cross this node: Mercury has already crossed it from November 26 to 28, and will retrograde through it from December 26 to 29 and again from January 6 to 10. The Sun crosses it every year from December 16 to 18, and Mars will also transit it from December 26 to 30. The holiday season is therefore likely to be quite intense, and we need to watch out for hurtful words, innuendoes, insinuations, impatience and irritability during these periods. We may witness certain dark actions of a part of humanity, or these may be brought to light.

Mars, which is in the forefront during this New Moon, is also a planet of strength, willpower and courage, and the planet of warriors and fighters! So we need to channel this energy well, and courageously face up to our areas of discomfort in order to welcome and transmute them.

Mercury will go retrograde a few hours after the New Moon, on January 12 at 11:09pm, until January 2. Mercury retrograde has a reputation for causing communication problems, computer bugs, delays and delays. This is not the best time to launch a business, make commitments or sign contracts. If you absolutely have to do it, it's a good time to read everything carefully and make sure everything is clear. It is, however, a good time to make plans, to finish what you haven't finished - a time for introspection, re-evaluation and intuition rather than logic.

Scorpio is also the constellation of sexual alchemy, which takes place in 3 stages: Scorpio (raw energy); Eagle (rising energy, ojas) and Phoenix (illumination). This is a favorable time to explore the spiritualization of sexuality, tantrism, abstinence (brahmacharya) etc. Happy new moon!

Author: Marie-Josée Veilleux, Jyotish (Vedic Astrologer)

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