5 Steps for Detox


Ayurveda recognizes that Spring is an ideal time to cleanse. It's a time of renewal and rejuvenation. The natural external transformation creates an organic space for internal change. As nature cleanses itself in Spring, we have a natural tendency to rid ourself of the unwanted and create space for the new. 

Here are some simple hacks to advance the detoxing process:

1. Melt

Sip on boiled hot water or this Detox Tea throughout the day between meals to meltdown and flush out the 'ama' or water-soluble toxins from the dhatus (body tissues)

2. Release

Practice Nadi Shodhana pranayam (alternate nostril breathing) for 2-3 minutes in the morning and evening. This increases the prana (subtle life-force energy), clears and releases ama (toxins), and leaves a calming effect on the nervous system.

3. Cleanse

Consume a Kitchari diet for 3-5 days to simplify the process of digestion, give it a rest and help strengthen the agni (digestive fire). Kitchari, a combination of rice and dal cooked with vegetables and Indian spices, contains the components of a complete meal.

4. Detox

Practice daily Self-Abhyanga technique to increase circulation, stimulate internal organs and support elimination of impurities from the body. It also moves the lymph, further assisting in detoxification.

5. Deep Clean

Receive professional Abhyanga + Shirodhara combination regularly from an Ayurveda Therapist to further the detoxification process. Abhyanga boosts the effects further and encourages the process of elimination, moving the lymph and pacifying Vata. While the Shirodhara aids in releasing stress and anxiety and reduces desires and cravings.

Nayna Trehan