Ayurvedic Diet

Food is one of the essential sources of Prana (Energy). Depending on what type of food we consume, it can either lower your prana or increase your prana. How do you feel after eating a large fast food meal with burger, fries, and a fizzy drink? We’ve all been there! On the other hand how do you feel after eating a fresh home-made meal cooked by your grandmother with love?

In Ayurveda, it is recognized that there are three categories of foods:

  1. Sattvic - fresh, organic, nourishing foods that uplift the body and positively effect the mind. Sattva is the quality of balance and positivity. These include fresh, local fruits and vegetables.

  2. Rajasic - highly spiced or foods filled with refined sugars. Rajas is a quality that creates restlessness increasing the activity level of the body and the mind. Too much movement and excessive thoughts can be a results of these foods.

  3. Tamasic - heavy, oily, processed foods create more tamas in the system effecting the body to become lethargic and unhealthy and making the mind dull and depressed.

Furthermore, Ayurveda suggests a customized diet as per the dosha and person’s Vikruti (current imbalance).