March - Eclipsed Equinox Full Moon

This will be the full moon on the night of March 24 to 25, more precisely on the 25th at midnight PDT, at the same time as a penumbral eclipse.

The effects of lunar eclipses can be felt up to a month before and after the eclipse: fatigue, emotionality, hypersensitivity, confusion. Seasonal changes and eclipses are magical moments for opening portals, all the more so when they happen almost at the same time, as is the case here!

The full moon and eclipse will take place in the Pisces-Virgo axis (sidereal astrology). These two highly contrasting signs invite us to balance our two brain hemispheres: on the one hand, the logical, rational and spatio-temporal (left hemisphere) symbolized by Virgo, and on the other, the intuitive, imaginative, emotional and multidimensional (right hemisphere) symbolized by Pisces.

The latter predominates these days, as we have four planets in this constellation: Sun, Mercury, Neptune and Rahou (North Node). The moon with Ketou (south node) makes us more perceptive and aware of other dimensions. It's a time to be more in tune with our feelings, visions, dreams and intuition. Venus enters this constellation in April, a month when the heart predominates over reason. With Pisces, however, we must be careful not to lose touch with reality, to give too much away, to take upon ourselves energies that do not belong to us, or lack discernment.

This period of eclipses (there will be a solar eclipse on April 8) could see us more hypersensitive, emotional, fragile and uneven-tempered, until mid-May, as the planet Mercury will be in a delicate position, in a water sign, then crossing into the karmic node at the junction of Aries, to become retrograde from April 2 to 26. Virgo and Gemini ascendants in particular could feel vulnerable and fragile. This is not the best time to make important decisions.

The full moon takes place in the lunar constellation (nakshatra) of the Raven, called Hasta in Vedic astrology. It is symbolized by 5 hand-shaped stars, and is reputed to be favorable to all creative activities involving the hands (crafts, art, massages, mudras...). Happy spring and full moon to all!

Author: Marie-Josée Veilleux, Jyotish (Vedic Astrologer)

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