June - New Moon

This will be the new moon on Thursday, June 6 at 5:38am PDT, aligned in the constellation Taurus (sidereal astrology).

This constellation is in the spotlight this month, with 6 planets lined up until mid-June: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus!

Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus. It's linked to material resources, sensuality, beauty in form and matter, and the search for security. The New Moon will be aligned with the star Aldebaran, the Eye of Taurus, called Rohini in Vedic astrology, which means “red” because this star is a red giant. It is ruled by Brahma the Creator. It's a good time for gardening, all forms of artistic creation and also...evaluating our investments, as Taurus is linked to banks!

With Taurus, we need to be careful about attachment (to people or objects), possessiveness, stubbornness, excessive sensuality and pleasures, and laziness!

Saturn's square on this New Moon and Venus can however bring discomfort, blockages in creativity, relationships, emotions and doubts, but Venus' proximity to this New Moon (combustion) brings purification of the heart and invites us to openness, acceptance and forgiveness.

Any cluster of planets brings an intensity that can cause inner tensions, value conflicts, confusion and energies moving in different directions. Let's stay zen and wait for the energies to clear, starting in mid-June. Happy new moon!

Author: Marie-Josée Veilleux, Jyotish (Vedic Astrologer)

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