June - Transforming Full Moon of Shiva-Shakti

It's going to be an intense full moon this Friday, June 21, at 6:08 p.m. PDT, as it coincides with the summer solstice.

To add to this wonderful synchronicity, the moon will be aligned with the galactic center at the beginning of Sagittarius!

The Sagittarius archer leads us to set goals and objectives. It's possible, however, that this arrow is turned inward, as the full moon will take place in the constellation called Mula, which means "root". It's also known as the "Gate of the Gods", or the navel of Vishnu, from which creation sprang and which is the divine source of cosmic light in our galaxy. This full moon invites us to go to the root, the source of ourselves. On this path to the source, we may encounter shadowy areas just waiting to be brought to light and uprooted! And Saturn's retrograde, which begins on June 29 and lasts until mid-November, will be conducive to revisiting and resolving the past.

The presiding goddess of this constellation is Nirriti, akin to Kali, who represents disintegration and destruction. Depending on how we channel this energy, it can bring us destruction or enlightenment...or both! We now know that there's a black hole at the center of our galaxy. This full moon/solstice can disintegrate elements of our life or psyche that are no longer useful to our evolution. It's time to send into the black hole all that no longer serves us, the harmful elements that clutter our path, our happiness.

The three planets aligned with Betelgeuse in Gemini (Sun-Mercury-Venus in Gemini) facing the moon bring the energy of Rudra-Shiva, god of storms. Our lives can be tumultuous, with purifying storms.

This cosmic alignment invites us to encounter ourselves. As the sun and moon represent the masculine and feminine principles, it also invites us to encounter the other. It's a time of regeneration, of creativity and renewal, of manifesting our intentions. On a more down-to-earth note, it's an excellent time to clean house and get rid of all our unnecessary possessions! Let's open ourselves up to the divine energies currently pouring in! Happy Solstice to all!

Author: Marie-Josée Veilleux, Jyotish (Vedic Astrologer)

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